Saturday, November 27, 2010

Ouch, my brain hurts

E = mc2.  The infamous equation that we all know and know who came up with it but hardly any of us knows what it means. Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. How the hell did he come up with that? How is one mind so much more superior than another? Is he "wired" differently? Does he use parts of his brain that others don't? Is it genetic or is it learned? Nature vs nurture. Did you know that Einstein helped in the creation of the A Bomb? Due to his discovery of splitting the atom we decided to use that in war. Einstein wrote President Roosevelt a letter warning him that certain german scientists were figuring out nuclear energy and how to use that in the most destructive way. Instead of stopping this,  America decided to create it first and use it. How very sad. How very sad it is that a genius, who said "theres got to be something smaller than an atom".  A genius who didn't take the norm as fact and questioned it and figured out how to prove that the atom is not the smallest form of matter, wished he never did. Where would our world be if we still thought there was nothing smaller than an atom. Just 1 person figured this out by questioning the norm. It blows my mind.
What exactly is the human brain?

I can give you the scientific answer. It's made up of 3 different parts.
1. The Hindbrain which is the oldest part of the human brain and is the most primitive. It's in charge of our most primitive functions and basic functions. There are 4 areas in this part of the brain. The spinal cord which is like an information superhighway. It carries information to and from the brain to the rest of the body. The Medulla Oblongata (thank you Adam Sandler) which helps control the autonomic functions like respiration, heart rate or digestion. The pons which has a role in your level of your arousal or consiousness and sleep. And the cerebellum which helps regulate movement, posture and balance.
2.The Limbic System or the "emotional brain" which is the next part of the brain which evolved. It's where our emotions reside and memories begin. The two combined together to mark behaviors with positive and negative feelings. It also plays a role in salience (one of my favorite words),  spontaniety and creativity. There are 4 parts to this system as well. The amygdala which helps in storing emotional charged memories, especially fear. It triggers responses like sweaty palms, freezing, increased heart beat and stress hormone release. The hippocanthus which is plays the primary role in memory formation, classifying information, and long term memory. It processes and stores new and temporary memories.  The hypothalamus. It monitors and controls your sleep/wake cycle, homeostasis, apetite and thirst. It also plays a role in emotions, autonomic and motor functions. The thalmus which is where your sensory signals are.
3.The Neocortex which is the most evolved part of your brain. It takes up 2/3 of the human brain. It helps develop language, abstract thought, consiousness and imagination. It's made of up the left and right hemisphere. The left side of the brain controls the right side of your body and vice versa. The right side of your brain is concerned with art and music and the left side is concerned with rational verbal and more mathematical aspects. Within the neocortex are 6 areas. The frontal lobe which is the most recent evolutionary addition to the brain. It's the center for command and in control of your body. It's responsible for reasoning, problem solving, judgement, and impulses. It's the last part to develop as young aduts which could explain a lot. It also manages empathy and altruism. The parietal lobe processes pain and touch sensations. Also related to cognition, movement, orientation, recognition and speech. The temporal lobe which is connected to your auditory sensations, language recognition, emotion, memory and speech. The occipital lobe controls visual sensation and processing. Brocas area controls speech and language recognition and facial nerves. Last but not least is the corpus callosum. This is the neuro bridge that connects the two hemipheres to eachother.

Okay...what was the point of this all??? I went off on a little bit of a rant.  I have no idea where I was going with this. Well, if you got through reading all the stupid science book stuff, or if you were smart and skipped it, good for you either way. College taught me something I guess. Okay e=mc2, Einstein, brain functions...I'm starting to get my train of thought back. How does a genius like Einstein come up with these things?

It's crazy how the human brain works. Is it a part of you or are you a part of it. This small squishy thing held inside of your skull allows you to breath, blink, talk, walk, every part of your existence is held and controlled by your brain.

One of my favorite books is called "Brain Story" by Susan Greenfield. She was writing about her first experience dissecting a human brain. She said "I was holding the very essence of a person. Although lifeless, this pickled object still, in some sense, held a person's memories, fears and dreams. Would a bit scraped under my fingernail - if I had not been wearing gloves - contain a particular memory or dream." In other words, your memories, fears, dreams, desires...any thought you could possibly have is tangeable, touchable, concrete, solid.

I guess what I wonder you define your brain? Or does your brain defne you? Sometimes I feel like it's a different entity than I am. Like we're in a constant struggle for power. It bothers me that it's a part of me but it controls me. My entire personality and everything that shapes me is held there. I think my brain defines me and I have absolutely no control over it, especially today.

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