Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Simple Things Part 2

22., not little people. The movie.

23. Tea. Not drinking it. Just seeing the 200 boxes of different flavors I have.

24. Candles. Maybe it's the aromatheapy aspect.
25. Going out to dinner. Food always tastes so much better when someone else cooks and cleans up.
26. A clean house. I hate the process but love the end result.

27. Walking around the house in just underwear. I despise clothing.

28. Sleeping. I can sleep on command and 24 hours a day.
29. The smell of bleached whites.
30. Listening to Freedom by George Michael (I know I'll get shit for this one lol).
31. When my son falls asleep on me. It makes me feel useful.
32. Rain in the summer.
33. Jumping in puddles.

34. Jumping on the bed.
35. My nephew's dragon slippers. They go up to the middle of his calves and look like dragon feet. I'm soo jealous!
36. Rain boots.
37. Lightening.

38. Blues music. Funny that blues make me happy.
39. When I think my bofriend is sleeping and I'm getting dressed and he says "sweet ass".
40. My kitchen table. A hand-me-down from my boss. It WAS just a wood one, but I spray painted it black and put skull decals on each corner.
41. Laying on the beach.
42. Sedona Arizona. Aboslutely magical place.

43. Being in a plane. I love flying. I wanted to join the airforce when I graduated high school but the parents wouldn't let me.
To be continued.......

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Simple Things

Since this is a bad time of year for me...and since I usually slip up and fuck up and walk around like a zombie this time of year...and since I have a child to think of now..and since I don't have the time to slip up and fuck up...I'm trying to compile a list of things, in no particular order, that make me happy. Maybe it will take my mind off of things and put it in a new direction.

1. My son Luke. You saved me from myself. I now understand unconditional love and would kill for you.

2. My boyfriend Jason. I've revealed myself to you and yet you still stay. I love you with all my heart.

3. My stepson Devyn. You've forced me to re-evaluate myself and prepare for parenthood. I love you as if you were my own.

4. Driving in my car w/ a crappy cup of gas station coffee, smoking a cigarette and turning the music up all the way. I used to just get in my car and do this to clear my head.
5. Drinking coffee at home out of my 2 favorite mugs. My smiley face one and, a newer addition, my New Orleans one.
6. Trees. Laying under one in the middle of the summer with the sun beating down on me, sweating my ass off, wasting time. One of my #1 goals is to get to Africa and do this under an Acacia tree.

7. Moss. It's like carpet...outside

8. Getting under the covers with bare feet.
9. Waking up in the morning realizing I have nothing to do and falling back asleep.
10. My boyfriend's shoulder. It can put me at ease instantly.
11. Stripes. Especially striped socks.
12. My son's smile and laugh. It can and has brought me to tears.
13. Books. Just the smell of them makes me feel at home.
14. Clifford, my stuffed platypus. Yes...I still sleep with a stuffed animal and I'm not ashamed :)

15. Gardening. It makes me feel good to help something grow.
16. When my boyfriend eats all the food on his plate and gets more.
17. Skulls. I have no idea why.

18. A really, really hot shower.
19. A really, really hot bath with the lights off.
20. Cookies and a really cold glass of milk.
21. Muay Thai/Kickboxing. It's taught confidence within myself and that if I just push myself a little bit harder I can accomplish most anything.

I'm sure there are more things and I'll add them as I go.